Our WordPress Themes

We create cool WordPress themes. They are all open source (free) and usable right out of the box or as a great starting point to customize. They are all built on the official WordPress starter theme and integrate Bootstrap to allow you to put cool content on your site. But the best part is that we’ve custom-styled it, so your site won’t look like all the other Bootstrap sites out there.

  • Flat Blocks WordPress Theme

    Flat Blocks WordPress Theme

    Flat Blocks is a modern WordPress theme with full-site editing capability

  • Link Bootstrap WordPress Theme

    Link Bootstrap WordPress Theme

    ink WordPress Theme Modern, responsive, “flat” style theme Full-width Images and Sections Set full-width “featured images” and use the included color palette to create stunning colored horizontal sections for your content. Off Canvas Menu and Custom Header A nav button that toggles the menu and you can upload a custom header.

  • Pratt Bootstrap WordPress Theme

    Pratt Bootstrap WordPress Theme

    Pratt WordPress Theme Modern, responsive, “flat” style theme Full-width Images and Sections Set full-width “featured images” and use the included color palette to create stunning colored horizontal sections for your content. Fixed Navbar and Custom Header The navbar is fixed at the top of the page and you can upload a custom header.

  • Flat Bootstrap WordPress Theme

    Flat Bootstrap WordPress Theme

    Flat Bootstrap WordPress Theme Modern, responsive, “flat” style theme Full-width Images and Sections Set full-width “featured images” and use the included color palette to create stunning colored horizontal sections for your content.

  • Spot  Bootstrap WordPress Theme

    Spot Bootstrap WordPress Theme

    Spot WordPress Theme Modern, responsive, “flat” style theme Full-width Images and Sections Set full-width “featured images” and use the included color palette to create stunning colored horizontal sections for your content. Dark, Fixed Navbar and Custom Header.