We create cool WordPress themes. Our original themes are based on Bootstrap and work differently than our newest theme which is based on the core WordPress Block Editor. Choose the theme type you want to learn how to use here.
Flat Blocks Theme Styles
Samples of various styles within the theme
How to use our Block Themes
How to use our Block-based (Full Site Editing) WordPress Themes, such as Flat Blocks
Flat Blocks Theme Patterns
Theme Block Patterns that you can insert into your pages and posts
How to Use our Bootstrap Themes
How to use our Bootstrap-based WordPress Themes, such as Flat Bootstrap, Link, Pratt, and Spo
Bootstrap Theme "Shortcodes"
These aren’t really “shortcakes” in the traditional WordPress sense, but are CSS components built into our Bootrap-based themes that you can use to build content in your pages and posts